tirsdag 21. september 2010

Pros and cons about computers in classrooms

Write two paragraphs on a topic of your choice where you use at least 5 of the linking words/expressions you’ve found:

Firstly it's much easier for most people to take notes and do tasks on a computer (especially for those who can't read their own handwriting), since many types faster on a computer then they write by hand. This way classes could be more effective because the teacher don't have to wait that long before his/her students have written down what's on the blackboard, or what's being told. Furthermore it's easier to organize your work on a computer screen, unlike in a book where you write something and afterward crossing in out. Lastly the computer is a good remedy to find information when doing project work.
There are also negative sides about using computers during lessons in school. The main reason is that computers may distract the students. For instance when working on projects, some may be distracted by other things they find on the internet so they don't do what they're supposed to. Moreover, students who are bored could just log onto the internet and surf the web, as a result, they won't pay any attention at all to what's being told in class.

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