tirsdag 21. september 2010

Pros and cons about computers in classrooms

Write two paragraphs on a topic of your choice where you use at least 5 of the linking words/expressions you’ve found:

Firstly it's much easier for most people to take notes and do tasks on a computer (especially for those who can't read their own handwriting), since many types faster on a computer then they write by hand. This way classes could be more effective because the teacher don't have to wait that long before his/her students have written down what's on the blackboard, or what's being told. Furthermore it's easier to organize your work on a computer screen, unlike in a book where you write something and afterward crossing in out. Lastly the computer is a good remedy to find information when doing project work.
There are also negative sides about using computers during lessons in school. The main reason is that computers may distract the students. For instance when working on projects, some may be distracted by other things they find on the internet so they don't do what they're supposed to. Moreover, students who are bored could just log onto the internet and surf the web, as a result, they won't pay any attention at all to what's being told in class.

Task given in class

Read the analysis of the short story. Why is this a good analysis? What can you learn from this analysis?

I think this is a very good analysis because the writer has managed to include all the important parts that you're supposed to write about in these kinds of texts. As well as they're well written. 

Furthermore he/she has structured the text very well. He/she has divided the text into paragraphs where each of them says something about one topic, such as the setting, point of view, theme and so on. 

In addition to all this, I must say that I liked the introduction and I loved the conclusion/ending. The introduction is short and catchy. It tells the reader about which story the analysis is written to, a little bit about the author, as well as he/she says what the story is all about. And the ending sums up the whole text in a very clever way. We get to know the writers opinion about the text, moreover it makes the reader really starting to think. 

From this analysis I would say that we can learn how to write short, but good paragraphs, as well as we can learn how to structure a text in a proper way.

onsdag 15. september 2010

Blog assignments

A) Write a little something about yourself on your blog. 
My name is Odin, I'm sixteen years old and I live in a red house in Ladehammerveien 31A. In my sparetime I like to be with my friends, play football and basketball. But at the moment I ain't doing any sports because i broke my ancle during a football cup in Frederikshavn, Denmark, this summer. So when I'm not doing any sports some of the things I like to do is to hang around with my friends, watch TV and just mess around on the computer. I also have a lot of time to do my homework...

B) Write a short text where you reflect on the different ways the English language affects and influences you in every-day life. 
I'm surrounded by the English language everyday. I'm listening to music, watching English TV-series and browsing the internet. All in all I think that the English language affects me in many positive ways (see: the Mind map "Why do we need to learn English?"). One of them is that I learn more and more english for every day (vocabulary, grammar and pronunciation). But there's also something that can be negative about it, it's that many english words simply can take over for words in your own language (in this case: Norwegian). 

Mind maps for y'all!

Here are two mind maps that I've made during our last English lesson, 14th September:

- Different strategies to learning English
- Why do we need to learn English?